The list of products subject to mandatory conformity assessment in Uzbekistan is established by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 43 of January 30, 2021, and includes:
- Alcohol,
- Tobacco,
- Fertilizers,
- Detergents,
- Food products,
- Cements,
- Plastic, rubber, paper, metal, wooden, ceramic, glass products,
- Textiles, garments, fabrics, furs, footwear,
- Construction and building materials and final products,
- Electrical appliances,
- Machinery,
- Vehicles,
- Furniture,
- Sanitary products,
- Toys
and more.

Main certification schemes in Uzbekistan
Single shipment certification. Scheme 7
Single shipment certificates are commonly obtained by the local importers. However, if the sender is obliged by the contract to arrange the certification, we can assist.
Details of certificate issued according to scheme 7:
- Issued in the name of a local importer,
- Covers one consignment, valid for the expiration term of the products.
- Samples for testing are picked from the shipment.
Upon arrival of the shipment, the importer submits an application online to the CB appointed by us. The shipment can be released for up to 3 months without a certificate after it arrives to the country under a “temporary release” procedure, after which the certificate has to be submitted to the customs. The grace term can be further extended to 3 more months based on the guarantee letter of the importer. The products cannot be sold until the certificate is obtained.
Turnaround time — about 1 week.
Required documents:
- Label in Uzbek language,
- Instructions, manuals, datasheets, technical passport, etc. depending on the product.
- Invoice, customs cargo declaration (submitted by the importer online).
Contract certification. Scheme 7a
Same as the shipment certification, but covers multiple shipment under the same contract with the same importer.
The certificate will be valid until 31 of December of the current year.
Turnaround time — about 1 week.
Required documents:
- Label in Uzbek language,
- Instructions, manuals, datasheets, technical passport, etc. depending on the product.
- Contract indicating total quantity for this year and importer’s responsibility for future shipments, template can be provided (submitted by the importer online).
3-year certificate. Scheme 3
Issued in the name of the manufacturer and requires factory inspection with sampling.
Sample testing is performed in a local accredited lab in Uzbekistan; it is possible to pick the samples from the earlier certified shipments.
Turnaround time — up to 30 days, depending on the input documents.
Annual inspections quoted separately (~50% of initial price), in form of sample testing or factory inspection. The certificate can be modified during the annual inspections, products may be added, which could require additional testing.
Required documents:
- Label in Uzbek language,
- Technical documentation in Russian or Uzbek language — user manual / instruction, datasheets, specifications, drawings, etc.
- Manufacturing standard (if any),
- Foreign certificates (if any),
- Documents on the manufacturing facility and process, ISO 9001 dossier, etc.
Important features of the country approvals
Test reports of ILAC MRA accredited lab can be accepted. In case no testing lab is available for certain kinds of testing, reports of accredited labs in CIS countries can be accepted.
- Depending on the product, the number of required samples to be tested and cost of testing may depend on the size of the shipment.
- For the electrical equipment, energy efficiency class is determined during the testing.
- Telecom: Conformity assessed as part of the general safety assessment process. No separate certification (also not for 5G, etc.). The end user may require a permit from
The main authority for Standardization and Certification in Uzbekistan is UzStandard.