Kazakhstan is a Member-State of the Eurasian Economic Union, sharing a common approval system of Technical Regulations with other states of the Union — Armenia, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan and Russia.
The common approval system allows the circulation of products marked by the EAC sign on the territory of the Union.
Technical regulations of Kazakhstan
For products not regulated by the common EAC approval system, national approvals of Kazakhstan are mandatory. This includes:
- feed and feed additives
- toxic and highly toxic substances
- pesticides
- synthetic detergents and household chemicals
- paints and varnishes and solvents
- fire safety
- building materials and products
- metal, wooden, concrete and other structures.
Unlike the common EAC approvals, these are only valid in Kazakhstan.

Permit for use of hazardous equipment
Hazardous equipment used at hazardous industrial facilities (HIF) requires a Permit to use of the Committee for Industrial Development and Industrial Safety under the Ministry of Industry and Infrastructure Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which must be based on an Expertise of Industrial Safety issued by a duly accredited expert entity.
The legislative basis in the field of industrial safety in Kazakhstan is the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Civil Protection" dated April 11, 2014 Nr. 188-V 3PK.
In accordance with this law, hazardous technical devices, as well as technical devices, materials and technologies intended for use at hazardous production facilities, must undergo an industrial safety expertise in order to obtain permission for use from the authorized state body.
In accordance with the law "On Civil Protection", such technical devices, materials and technologies should be put into operation only after obtaining a Permit for use from the authorized body.
Hazardous technical devices
The criteria for classification of hazardous technical devices are provided by the Law "On Civil Protection", and includes devices used at the Hazardous production facilities in Kazakhstan that are identified by:
- Handling of hazardous substances, including ionizing radiation sources, flammable gases, explosive substances, combustible materials, oxidizing substances, toxic and highly toxic substances, and substances harmful to the environment.
- Production of molten metals and their alloys.
- Activities such as mining, geological exploration, drilling, blasting, and mineral extraction, especially in underground conditions.
Other hazardous technical devices are:
- technical devices operating under a pressure of more than 0.07 MPa or at a water heating temperature of more than 115 degrees Celsius, with the exception of heating networks;
- lifting mechanisms, escalators, cable cars, funiculars, elevators;
- steam and hot water boilers operating under a pressure of more than 0.07 MPa and (or)at a water heating temperature of more than 115 degrees Celsius (heat supply organizations), vessels operating under a pressure of more than 0.07 MPa, lifting mechanisms, escalators, cable cars, funiculars , elevators of objects of housing and communal services.
Features of the Permit to use in Kazakhstan
The applicant can only be a legal entity registered in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The permit is issued in the form of an electronic document, which can be downloaded and printed if necessary.
The permit is valid indefinitely, meaning it does not require renewal or extension.
EAC approvals in Kazakhstan
Products that have obtained the approvals of the EAEU technical regulations must be marked by the EAC sign before passing the customs clearance. Products marked with the EAC can freely circulate throughout the territory of the EAEU.
The common approval mark of the EAEU technical regulation system is the EAC mark:

There are over 50 active Technical Regulations commonly referred to as CU TR and EAEU TR, or TR CU and TR EAEU.
For products subject to one or several Regulations the assessment of conformity is mandatory. Products that have not passed the established procedures cannot be marked with the EAC sign of conformity, and are not allowed for import on the territory of the EAEU.
Depending on the type of approval, the required procedures to obtain the EAC mark may include:
- Customs clearance of the sample,
- Sample testing,
- Use of existing proof,
- Factory inspection,
- Development, audit and translation of technical documentation,
- Periodic inspections.
In certain cases, EAC declarations can be obtained based on the factory test reports and other existing evidence of the manufacturer. To be accepted, these documents need to demonstrate conformity to the requirements of the regulations, and to be translated into Russian, or to the state language of the country which runs the registration.
The maximum validity period is determined in each Regulation and may vary from 3 to 5 years.
Determining if EAC approval is required
Whether or not a product is subject to EAC approval depends on the following details:
- Product type and designation,
- Its functions and characteristics,
- HS tariff code.